How to select original blue sapphire

How to select original blue sapphire

Inclusions in gemmology refer to structural irregularities found in the gemstones. These are not visible for naked eyes. You can watch it with a magnifying lens.

Sapphire is a stone that comes in different colours. The most preferred sapphire comes in blue colour. This stone is the birth stone recommended for the people born in September month. Colour can vary from mid blue to dark shade. These stones are well said for its beauty and durability. Here are some of the important tips to select the original blue sapphire. This helps you a lot in selecting the right stone to make your investment really worth.

Look for inclusions

Inclusions in gemmology refer to structural irregularities found in the gemstones. These are not visible for naked eyes. You can watch it with a magnifying lens. These irregularities are the indicators of original blue sapphire stone. But it is really good to avoid the stones with visible cracks or blemishes. Trusted gemmologist can help you a lot in selecting the original blue sapphire stone for you. Keep in mind that there are synthetic stones available in the market. Hence make sure that you select natural stones to enjoy real benefits.


Some stones may come with blurred formation inside it. This is not good for the stone. The stone should be transparent enough and you could probably see through it.


Blue sapphire is comparatively a heavier stone. Hence, when you purchase the stone keep in mind that genuine stone comes with good weight.   


The colour of blue sapphire stone can vary from light blue to dark blue. As per the expert opinion, stone with lighter colour is said to be the best one.

Check for yellow rays

This is another important way to check the original stone. Rotate the sapphire stone and check for the yellow rays in the edges. Original stone is free from remitting yellow rays. But keep in mind that this is not perfect test since even the original stones with iron staining can remit yellow rays.

Double effect or double layer

Have a thorough look at the stone for a double effect or feel of an extra layer inside the stone. If it is there, then you can make sure that it is not a blue sapphire stone.

Best cats eye gemstone is said to have power in bringing back the prosperity and lose wealth. This gemstone works effectively against the doshas or negative consequences of planet Ketu.

At present, there are reputed online stores like Shiv Rattan Kendra to provide you with stunning collection in different gemstones including blue sapphire and cats eye gemstone.

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