Benefits of Rudraksha

  • admin
  • 2017-08-19
  • 0 Comment
 Benefits of Rudraksha

As mentioned in the Vedic scriptures, sages, saints, and yogis used to wear Rudraksha beads as a sacred jewel that played an influential role in aiding the process of self-realization. Rudraksha has been known as an asset of gods and goddesses in the ancient India. Ancient scriptures like the Upanishads and Puranas also mention about the influence of Rudraksha in the wearer’s life. 

If you want to enhance your quality of life you can try Rudraksha online shopping. India was blessed with some incredible masters who were the first to realize the potential of Rudraksha. They understood that wearing the Rudraksha seeds allows its powers to radiate, amplify, and channel power, protection, and peace against any form of negativity. Different beads provide different divine channels that are reflected in ‘Mukhis’ or ‘faces’ which can be observed on the surface of the bead.

Each Mukhi and its powers are discussed below.

1.    Transformation and Power: It helps you increase your willpower. It helps in healing and changing the karma profoundly.

2.    Harmony and Unity: It helps in nurturing mutual support. It also enhances the power to forgive others.

3.    Purity and Health: It makes you free from the karma of the past. It will shower you with confidence and good health. Before you plan on buying Rudraksha online, make sure that the website you choose is genuine and reputed one.

4.    Knowledge and Clarity: It provides eloquence, creative intelligence, and greater insight. It helps in awakening your artistic abilities.

5.    Wellbeing and Peace: It bestows general wellbeing and health and ability to deal with stress and negativity.

6.    Influence and Attraction: Enhances your charisma and makes your presence more influential in people’s lives.

7.    Abundance and Prosperity: Provides success, prosperity, and wealth to the wearer.

8.    Good Luck: Helps in creating a smoother path for progress.

9.    Overcome Fear: It bestows infinite courage and strength in the wearer to deal with negativity.

10.  Freedom from Defeat: It helps in removing confusion, fear, and doubts.

11.  Living the Highest Path: Grants the wearer wisdom and ability to fulfil his/her true purpose.

12.  Self-illumination and Leadership: It enhances strength, charisma, fortitude, and insight.

13.  Love, Truth, Fulfilment, and Comforts: Helps maintain a balance between materialistic and spiritual aspirations.

14.  Spiritual Mastery and Liberation: Makes you free from internal resistance and blocks that create hindrance to spiritual experiences.

15.  Bliss Consciousness: Provides energy, vitality, and makes you more insightful.

16.  Soul Deep Relationship and Victory: Helps in forming deep intimate relationships with people and aids the process of success.

17.  Removes Grief and Hardship: Helps in protecting from negativity and defeating obstacles.

18.  Wealth and Fertility: Bestows wealth, joy, and fertility of the body, soul, and heart.


Because of the several benefits yogis and saints advice people to wear it in order to promote self-actualization. 

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