Enhance the Power of Prayer and Meditation with Rudraksha Malas

The do mukhi has different powers compared to some other say the five-faced bead. The two face rudraksha bead represents Lord Ardhanareeshwara, Shiv and Shakti.

Rudraksha beads have been in use since the olden times by the sages to help improve the concentration power while offering prayers. This is due to the way the rudraksha beads increase the mental powers in the person wearing the beads. You must make sure that you wear the original rudraksha to enjoy its powers fully.

Check that the bead is original

To get the original rudraksha online shopping centres are present in large numbers. Check for the original certificate from the shop owner. In addition, the rudraksha bead must be darkish brown in colour with well-formed crevices on its face. There must not be any cracks or chips on the surface.

Different kinds of beads

There are many kinds of beads, each with its specific number of faces or lines. A bead with two lines is known as a two-face bead or do mukhi rudraksha bead. The do mukhi has different powers compared to some other say the five-faced bead. The two face rudraksha bead represents Lord Ardhanareeshwara, Shiv and Shakti. It helps in the unification of the mind and body and has the blessings of the planet moon. It transforms the personality of the individual in a positive way.

Significance of five face

The five face symbolises the five forms of Lord Shiva. This makes this bead popular among students and sages alike. Jupiter is the planet associated with this bead. It improves the learning and helps the person develop his or her own greatness. The person wearing this bead develops spiritual insight and self-awareness.

Rudraksha prayer malas

The power of the rudraksha beads increases when you use them in the form of a garland or mala. For buying original rudraksha mala online shopping malls will present you with many choices. The most popular mala is the 5 mukhi 55 bead rudraksha mala. You can also wear combination malas to enhance the power of the beads.

Perform the siddhi pooja

One must wear the bead only after the purification pooja. One must say the beeja mantra 9 times while wearing and removing the mala or bead daily. Further, one must not touch the bead with unclean hands. Each person must watch the horoscope and find the auspicious time to wear the bead or precious stones.

One can enhance the quality of life if one uses the beads in the proper way. Choose the bead that you need by consulting the professional astrologers. They will instruct you according to your horoscope. Wearing the bead and saying the mantra will change your life for the better.

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