Wearing the 11 mukhi rudraksha

  • admin
  • 2016-08-31
  • 0 Comment

By wearing the eleven mukhirudraksha beads, the person would be gaining blessings from the lord that is equivalent to donating 1,000 cows and conducting 1,000 Ashwamedha Yagnas.

There are different types of rudraksha beads that are found on Earth that comes with different natural lines, mukhis or faces as they are known, with each of them having its own significance. Of all the rudraksha mukhis present, the 11 mukhi rudraksha is considered to be significant, since this bead is associated with that of Lord Hanuman. Also, it is believed to hold the 11 Shaktis or power.

Its impact

By wearing the eleven mukhirudraksha beads, the person would be gaining blessings from the lord that is equivalent to donating 1,000 cows and conducting 1,000 Ashwamedha Yagnas. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Hanuman is said to be full of vigor, possess immense strength to move mountains and is regarded to be a symbol of courage. Having this rudraksha has been stated to help the person to get blessings from the powerful Lord himself.

Importance of the 11 mukhi rudraksha

This type of rudraksha is known to assist the person to sustain proper control and balance between spiritual truths and worldly desires. He also tends to gain sufficient control over the different body senses. He can also overcome all types of troubles and obstacles that might be faced by him from time to time. Moreover, the 11 mukhi acts as protection shield protecting the wearer from accidents, tantric effects, sins and evil powers.

Helping to achieve success

When this rudraksha is worn with stanch belief and profound devotion, the wearer can enjoy immense success in every sphere of life. In case, he is not able to achieve success in his personal and professional life, wearing the same can help him to change his fortunes for the better, using the rudraksha beads. It also confers him with adventure, wisdom and capability to take the correct and timely decisions.

It is also stated to be an effective astrological tool, especially for those practicing yoga and meditation, since it helps to gain control over the different senses and to stabilize other physical controls. The rudraksha also is an effective tool for tackling health problems like body ache, back ache and diseases that are related to the liver.

There is no ruling planet for this type of rudraksha bead. But it is quite effective towards neutralizing the different ill effects which are generated due to Saturn’s presence. This is to be worn only after purifying it completely and can be worn with gold or silver.


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