Empower Good Luck Remove Malefic Saturn by Rudraksha Seven Face

. If you have three lines, we say the bead is three faced. Here we see the seven face rudraksha bead and its usefulness.

Rudraksha beads have a power in them to increase the power of the mind. This intensification of the mental powers helps to streamline the body functions. Sages of the ancient times passed on the mantras that help to unfold this power.

Significance of the face

Each of the beads has lines running down from the top to the bottom. Therefore, the beads appear to have a face. If you have three lines, we say the bead is three faced. Here we see the seven face rudraksha bead and its usefulness.

Sade sati of Saturn

Goddess Maha Lakshmi is the ruling deity of the 7 mukhi bead. The ruling planet is Saturn and is symbolic of the seven snakes and the Saptarishi. First, it helps in overcoming the Sade Sati or the malefic effects of the planet Saturn. As per the horoscope, the person who has the Saturn transiting through the 12th, 1st, and 2nd house will feel the major malefic effects. Similarly, from the Natal Chart Moon if the person has the Saturn transiting through the 4th and 8th house, then he or she will feel the minor malefic effects.

Good thing about the seven mukhi

·         It brings prosperity and increases financial position.

·         The seven mukhi enhances the intuition of the person.

·         People afflicted by arthritis will benefit.

·         You get success in a workplace.

·         If you have epilepsy, this bead will help.

·         By wearing the bead, the person can overcome dumbness.

Medical benefits of the bead

From the medical viewpoint, this bead will help cut the muscular body pains. It helps people recover fast from foot diseases. It also helps treat chronic diseases and impotency. One will get relief from respiratory illnesses.

The beej mantra for this bead is Om Hoom Namaha.

Financial benefits of the bead

One can prevent losses in business with this 7-face bead. It solves a host of women problems. This enhances the purification of the sperms. Women who have abortions will get help from wearing this bead.

To get benefit of the increased wealth, one must wear this bead along with the eight-face bead. By wearing this bead, you eliminate nervousness and stress. You regain funds that remained blocked and attract more wealth. For this reason, businessmen should wear this. One should do the purification and empowerment pooja before one wears this bead.

The wearer of the seven mukhi rudraksha bead gets new opportunities. He or she will get good peace of mind. The bead will bring much happiness to the person. Always make sure to wear a good unblemished bead as a broken or blemished bead will bring bad luck. 


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